The OTHER Side of Me

Friday, July 11, 2003

My App. of the Day

My App. of the Day

I have a new tool and I feel like a child with a new toy. Isn't it the same for all of us geeks? It's new. It's free! It says it will do what I need and so fill in a gap or smooth a rough spot in my computing pleasure.

Today's new toy is w. bloggar. Finally a client that works outside of the browser that will publish my thoughts later when I have collected them all. Hmmm. There is a certain giddy joy that comes with exploring a new app. I take more pleasure with the little ones that are free or shareware. I don't feel the same over some big new rollout by a large corporate body.

With little specific apps you know that over a short time you can learn and master it. You will be able to form an educated opinion about its perks and foibles. Those big apps or operating systems while fun to open up, often overwhelm us with their complexity and untapped potentials.

There are some very fine little apps that actually do better what the big boys are trying to achieve. Then, too, there is the grateful support you lend the programmer who created your latest toy. Having worked long relentless hours and produced a mini masterpiece, that programmer is closer to you than the team who churns out Office, let's say. For myself, when I am delighted and grateful for a new app I love to donate monies to that eager developer. If I take the time to write my praise and maybe suggest another add in, I am taken seriously and heard. Sometimes I've been invited to beta test and then I fell a sense of remote ownership for the evolving toy.

Spybot - Search and destroy is another example of a toy I have consumed and ingested. Its creator is a delightful man who has brought the human into our cyber-world. Kolla declares on his website why he offers such a stellar tool for free. He is a man of principes for sure but he is also a man who loves his girl and is unafraid to declare it.

So today I will explore w. bloggar in the expectation that it will help me be able to sit in my garden and write my blogs. I can write and edit and preview all before coming inside, networking, and publishing to one of my accounts.

You will tell me about wireless networking. Yup - I have the card and just need to install it but hold on! I like to go slow and savor one toy at a time. It is just not the same if you open too many gifts at the same time. Don't you agree?

Today is w. bloggar day, yesterday was ColorImpact day - what a fun tool that is. Now you need not worry about what color complements the other since this tool will help you. I have'nt discovered everything about ColorImpact but in my breaks today away from w. bloggar I will do review and update on ColorImpact.

Just in case anyone wants them and because I will probably be grateful for them later, I will end by including the links to the apps I named.

Spybot - S&D            -ridder of spyware and trojans

ColorImpact            -color scheme tool

w. bloggar               -offline blogging client

Thought for the day : Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of its container?


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